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Water (Cd)

Science has shown that sound frequencies occurring in nature can literally feed the brain and stimulate elevated levels of consciousness. “Full Spectrum Sound” is an innovative therapeutic concept that uses these naturally occurring sound frequencies to promote healing and restoration at the cellular level.
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129 kr

Vetenskapen har visat att de ljudfrekvenser vi hittar i naturen stimulerar vårt medvetande. Water är nyskapande musik som förmedlar vattnets vibrationer och klanger. Musiken tränger in i kroppens celler och leder en in i en känsla av tidlöshet. För djup meditation och healing.

Science has shown that sound frequencies occurring in nature can literally feed the brain and stimulate elevated levels of consciousness. “Full Spectrum Sound” is an innovative therapeutic concept that uses these naturally occurring sound frequencies to promote healing and restoration at the cellular level.

Water is the first music album to harness the resonant vibrations of life’s most essential, natural element, using specially designed “water chimes” to produce soothing melodic tones rich in full spectrum therapeutic benefits. Through dynamic combinations of water based sounds, Water nourishes mind, body, and soul with natural harmonic frequencies, fostering bodily and spiritual health sonically in the same way that full spectrum light does visually. Composed by sound healing visionary Alex Theory, Water is a revolutionary new experience in musical composition, one that is rewarding both musically as well as for its profound restorative properties.

Språk Engelska
Förlag Sounds True
Artikelkod 9781591798019
Mediatyp CD-skiva
Vikt 108 g
Utgiven 2008-02
Författare Alex Theory
Speltid 71 min
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