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Sacred Oils

In this book, Felicity Warner, a healer and myrrhophore (mistress of the oils), explains a mysteriou...
179 kr

Saltwater Reading Cards

The energies of the SALTWATER READING CARDS bring through a calming sense of peace, serenity and hea...
219 kr

Sara, book 2 - solomons fine featherless...

Solomon (the owl from the first book who “speaks without moving his lips”) reappears and gives Sara ...
159 kr

Saraswati Dreams

Prepare to journey on this dreamy bhakti-glistening new album from adored musical artists Jaya Laksh...
139 kr 39 kr

Satin Celtic Tarot Bag

This handsome bag from Lo Scarabeo provides an attractive way to safely store and protect your valua...
150 kr

Secret of happiness - discovering the so...

When we resist the present moment, we close the door to happiness. But when we align with what is, w...
219 kr

Secret Of Self Realization (Cd)

When you realize that it’s unnecessary to think all the time, something miraculous happens: who you ...
319 kr

Secrets Of Numerology

For thousands of years people have been aware of the significance of numbers. The early Greeks taugh...
139 kr

Secrets of the lost mode of prayer - the...

There are beautiful and wild forces within us.'' With these words, the mystic St. Francis described ...
199 kr

Self-hypnosis - reach your full potentia...

This book will give you the skills to train yourself into deep hypnotic trances, ridding yourself of...
79 kr

Seven Spiritual Laws of Superheroes

Given the volatile state of the world, it is no coincidence that superheroes have captured our imagi...
529 kr

Shaman And The Medicine Wheel

The more we meditate on the Medicine Wheel and on the Cosmic Wheel above, relating these to the circ...
159 kr

Shamanens drömorakel

Vi är alla heliga drömmare som drömmer världen verklig. Vad vill du drömma om? Shamanens drömorakel ...
399 kr

Sharman-Caselli Tarot Deck Reissue

This deck has been specially created for the first-time tarot user. Juliet Sharman-Burke is an exper...
189 kr

Sheng Zhen Wuji Yuan Gong: Qi Gong Of Un...

Sheng Zhen Wuji Yuan Gong: Qigong of Unconditional Love, A Return to Oneness Starting the practice o...
339 kr

Song of the Sun

On Song of the Sun, Andrew Harvey, the Oxford-trained authority on Rumi and bestselling author of se...
329 kr

Songs of Kuan Yin

Songs of Kuan Yin: Featuring the Music of Wah! and Deva Premal
119 kr

Songs of Mary : Devotional Music and Cha...

Create a quiet respite from the rush of modern life with Songs of Mary, a soothing collection of 15 ...
189 kr

Soul Coaching Oracle Cards: What Your So...

The card deck and guidebook can be used to give yourself, your loved ones, and your clients remarkab...
229 kr

Soul journeying - shamanic tools for fin...

This fascinating book by bestselling author, psychologist and medical anthropologist Alberto Villold...
179 kr