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Plastic-Coated Rally Playing Cards RED

Casino-quality, plastic-coated card stock for durability and easier handling. Available in red, or b...
49 kr

Positive shrinking - a story of mind ove...

This book gives you all you need to know now to enable you to achieve control over both your weight ...
59 kr

Positive vibes - inspiring thoughts for ...

Sometimes this life can be very difficult and we don't always have the answers as to why, but somewh...
129 kr

Powerful Plant-based Superfoods

Powerful Plant-Based Superfoods features 50 of the leading superfoods and discusses their unique ben...
129 kr

Press Here! Chakras For Beginners

Chakras are the body's energy centres and key to physical health, emotional stability, and menta...
149 kr

Q&a a day for creatives - a four year jo...

"Q&A a Day for Creatives" is your go-to source for inspiration, whimsy, and idea generation.
179 kr

Quantum creativity - think quantum, be c...

In Quantum Creativity, Amit Goswami, PhD, physicist and author of The Self-Aware Universe, explores ...
169 kr

Radical Self-Forgiveness Practices

Most of us have plenty of experience with self-blame and guilt—but we are often at a loss when it...
199 kr 49 kr

Rebel Deck

The Oracle With Attitude! Rebel Deck messages are Quick, Dirty, and direct. We gave the ancient a...
329 kr

Rebel Deck: The Game

The Original REBEL Deck is quick, dirty + direct. They have the cussy messages you may not want to h...
339 kr

Reflexology Deck

52 handy healing techniques in a portable, easy-to-access format, now refreshed with a new design. ...
129 kr

Resist Nothing : Guided Meditations to H...

No Judgment, No Resistance - the Path to Liberation from the Pain-Body Why do our negativ...
279 kr

Resurrecting Venus: Embracing Your Femin...

You can have it all: calm confidence, sublime romance, fulfilling work, absolute inner and outer bea...
259 kr

Return to Shiva Station : Kailash Connec...

Jai Uttal re-envisions his groundbreaking Shiva Station. This wholly new album brings us closer to t...
149 kr 39 kr


Dear Reader, In the early 1990s, I visited eastern Oregon for the first time. Inspired by its breat...
79 kr


The RUNES KIT offers in the same brilliant package one of the most interesting and practical books o...
269 kr

Sacred Journey Cards

Author and artist, Cheryl Thiele, complements her successful journal and engagement calendar, The Sa...
400 kr